Sunday, March 29, 2020

Chemistry Equation Calculator

Chemistry Equation CalculatorChemistry equation can be a daunting task. It will help you understand the core elements of chemistry easily. You will be able to solve the many equations with ease.What is a chemistry equation? A chemistry equation is a means to express a number of values in the form of a formula, by using a number of individual elements. The main value of a formula is an expression of the combination of elements or simple change in one or more elements. The formula contains the units of measurements or mass and the formula is called chemical formula.One example of a chemistry equation is H-CO-NO, where H stands for hydrogen and CO stands for carbon. Another example is the H-C-N2O. There are a lot of formulas that are used to test the strength of a substance.There are important parts of the equation. First, we have the subscripts that show the units. The unit of measurement is the molecular mass. For example, CH3 is the carbon isotope and in this formula we have a consta nt for the element of the change and the number of atoms.Then we have the symbol to express the symbol of the chemical formula. We have a mixture of numbers and letters like 'C', 'OH', 'C', 'NH2', 'O', 'N2' etc. A lot of the formulas have more than one letter for the symbols, thus for example NH2 can stand for molecular formula with two symbols.Another part of the formula is mass, which is the amount of weight or the weight of the element expressed in terms of mass (mass/mass of one atom). It is also called mass part and that is why it is often written by mass instead of weight.Finally we have the formula and the name of the element written in a table shape, usually called equation. There are a lot of formulas and one example of such is the standard chemical formula for chlorine.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teach Away Telegram - February 2010

Teach Away Telegram - February 2010 We hope you're enjoying the month of LOVE, and sneaking in some guilt-free chocolate before the big day on Sunday! Don't forget you have less than two days left to pick up those flowers or chocolates for your sweetheart (or that special someone you've been eyeing on the bus)! No plans for the big day? Hard core romantics and Valentine Day cynics alike can cozy up to some good reading with the February issue of the Teach Away Telegram.Job-seekers will be happy to know we've got some must-read information about new job opportunities in the tropical location of Brunei, so wipe off those chocolatey fingers and keep those resumes coming!Happy Valentine's Day!-The Teach Away TeamIn this issue:Teach Away Tells AllDon’t Let ‘Culture Shock’ Shock You!Teacher Story: Talking about the Educational Reform in Abu DhabiNew Opportunities in BruneiTeach Away Tells AllRead about Valentine’s Day in Japan from the male and female perspectives of Teach Away representatives Adrian and Kathleen.And They Say Women Love Chocolate...Adrian's Story: February 14th in many countries around the world is celebrated as Valentine’s Day. For three consecutive years, I experienced what Valentine’s Day meant in Japan. Being a Canadian, I expected to see couples exchanging gifts and romantic gestures. Lucky for me, I had a Japanese girlfriend, and could be considered as part of a couple during my first year in Japan.Leading up to Valentine’s Day, store shelves overflowed with red and pink heart-shaped boxes of chocolates. Thinking I’d see throngs of men crowding the aisles for last minute gifts on February 13th, the sight of only women scouring the shelves that night presented a surprise.Shocked but focused, I plucked a fancy box of chocolates from one of the unreachable shelves (well, unreachable for many Japanese women) and sauntered to the check-out before going home.On the day of despise for many singles around the world, my girlfriend and I met. Basked in the quivering glow of candlelight, she went into my kitchen and reappeared shortly after. In her hands rested a plate of delicate handmade fudge morsels dusted in a light chocolate powder. Surprised by the time and skill she had devoted to my gift, I felt ashamed to give her the off-the-shelf selection of chocolates I had bought for her. But, I stood up, grabbed the chocolates from their hiding place, and presented them to her anyway.Her lips, unsure at first, began to form a frown. Her head and eyes both lost the excitement that should have been there on Valentine’s Day.She looked at me and said, “Why?“Because I care,” I replied.“Who is she?” she barked back.This is how I learned that Valentine’s Day in Japan is a day during which only women give chocolates to men.Apparently, my girlfriend thought the chocolates I had given her were from another woman.I am single now.Thinking Outside the BoxKathleen's Story: My first February in Japan, I was shocked by the male responses to a romantically -themed conversation I had initiated with my adult English class. As a conversation starter, I had written on the board: “What are you going to get your significant other for Valentine’s Day?” While the women generously answered “box of chocolates,” “homemade chocolate,” and ... “box of chocolates” â€" again â€" the men continued to respond with one simple word: “Nothing.” I had heard that Japanese guys were a little less romantic than their Western counterparts, but was it really this bad My heart, a sucker for all things romantic, was breaking with sympathy pains.I soon learned that it wasn’t as bad as I had initially thought. The custom in Japan is that women give chocolates to the men in their lives on February 14th. One month later, on White Day, Japanese men give cookies to the women who are important to them.After a couple of years of living in Japan, I had found myself in a serious relationship with a Japanese man. As the big day for all things romant ic neared, I mentally (and emotionally) prepared myself for a day of no flowers, no chocolate, and no jewellery. *sigh*Even though I knew it was custom to buy (or make) chocolate for your man on Valentine’s Day, I decided to break tradition and get my boyfriend something he’d actually like: some beer, a beer mug that got all cool and frosty in the freezer, and a couple of heart-shaped coasters, which I thought, nicely complimented the dual theme of beer mugs and romance.On Valentine’s Day, I walked into our apartment expecting very little, so I was surprised to be greeted by the lovely aroma of cooking steak. My boyfriend had surprised me with a delicious dinner and my favourite red wine. I was impressed. I presented him with his gift so that he could get the mug-frosting underway, and we dove into our delicious meal. By the time dinner was over, his gift was nicely frosted and he was very happy to savour his nice, cold beer in his new mug while we watched one of the several r omantic classics I had rented for us that evening.During a movie break, my very sly guy asked me to get up and get something out of the closet for him. I was about to protest until I saw a mischievous twinkle in his eye, so I did as I was told. In the closet was a gift bag with some beautiful boots and a matching hat I’d been eyeing earlier that month.Not only did I get to experience the romantic Valentine’s Day I was used to from home, but I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend who thought outside of the box ... of chocolates.Don’t Let ‘Culture Shock’ Shock You!Culture Shock, the infamous syndrome that hits unsuspecting expats trying to make a life for themselves abroad, happens to be a very fitting topic for our romantically themed February issue. A little sceptical that culture shock is in any way related to romance and relationships? Well, unbeknownst to most, the stages of Culture Shock are very similar to those of a marriage. Still unable to see the connection? Learn about the five stages of the love struck/culture shocked here.• First, you have the Honeymoon Stage, where â€" you guessed it â€" everything is new and different and wonderful in your new country of residence. Just as you might wake up to your beautiful wife with a smile on your face each morning, the gorgeous view from your window will definitely be a sight for tired eyes during the first few months in your host country. During the Honeymoon Stage, you’ll notice that your feelings are heightened and that you love anything and everything about your surroundings. You will feel excited, delighted, curious, and eager to do and see more and more and more....“After first arriving in Japan, the neon and noodle overload kept me wide-eyed and wanting more. Within the first few months, I had tried to take in as much of the culture, the people, and the land as possible. I was constantly being invited to dinners and events, and had explored many of the famous areas in the country, inclu ding a trek up Mt. Fuji. I may not be known as a romantic, but this was one honeymoon I didn’t want to end.” (Adrian, Teach Away Staff)• The Rejection Phase can be nicely paralleled with that stage in your relationship where your ‘newlywed’ status is just starting to wear off. You no longer find it endearing that your husband leaves his smelly socks on the living room floor, and you aren’t finding the cultural quirks of your host country any more appealing. Similar to the pedestal on which you’ve placed friends still living the single life, you will definitely start idealizing your home country and culture to an emotionally unhealthy degree. What you once looked upon with wide-eyed curiosity and intrigue, you now find yourself rolling your eyes and questioning if it’s ever going to end. You begin to make unfair comparisons between your home and host country, and suddenly the list of things you miss from home far outweighs the perks of your new country. What happened to those feelings of adoration that were so prominent during the Honeymoon Phase? They are long gone â€" only to be replaced by feelings of anger, disappointment, frustration, close-mindedness, and even depression.“After a few months in Japan my feelings towards my new surroundings changed ….I didn’t belong here â€" I belonged in Canada! I no longer felt an attraction to the neon lights, traditional foods, and even began despising the sight of eggs. (I couldn’t believe eggs were found on most foods â€" even on pizza and burgers!) I was annoyed that every day I had to put effort into reading and trying to speak in a foreign language. I missed home and longed for a place where I could easily order a meal or read a sign.” (Selena, Teach Away Staff)• The Adjustment Phase couldn’t have come soon enough. Now you’re used to the fact that your wife has replaced your beloved lunchtime chocolate bar with a healthy apple. And, at this stage, you are familiar enough with the cus toms of your host country to not spend every waking hour worrying that you might be doing or saying the wrong thing. You may still question some of the cultural differences, but you no longer feel frustrated or depressed. You’ve fallen into a daily routine that is beginning to nicely suit you. You aren’t 100% adjusted, but you are no longer itching to pack your bags and hop on the next flight home. You feel less stressed, more contented, and have achieved a peace of mind that was definitely missing during the Rejection Stage.“Once I started to establish a routine and became accustomed to the Korean culture, I became a lot more comfortable and relaxed. My sense of humour (which I was beginning to think I’d forgotten in Canada) materialized and any feelings of frustration I’d experienced, subsided. Sure, I wasn’t wearing those rose-coloured glasses that I’d donned during the Honeymoon Phase but I had begun to develop an appreciation and fondness for kimchee, K-pop, and k araoke.” (Valen, Teach Away Staff)• The coming of the Acceptance Phase means that life in your host country has normalized and you finally feel like you belong. Just as comfortably married couples might begin naturally identifying themselves as “we” (as opposed to “me”), you will now find that your identity is intrinsically linked with that of your new home away from home. Cultural faux-pas will have become a thing of the past, and you’ll be able to explain the country’s (once weird and wonderful) traditions to newbies as though these customs were your own. You might even find yourself beginning sentences with “The way we do it here is...”. Your feelings of belonging will bring with them a sense of security, true contentment, and a much more relaxed lifestyle.“An elderly Korean lady sat across from me on the subway scolding her grandson for not being neater with his English homework. He was practicing his ABC’s, his notebook precariously balanced on his lap. I had come to understand the importance of education in this country, and no longer judged it from my own ‘foreign’ point of view. It was important, and I accepted it as such. The grandmother looked up and caught me nodding in agreement with her. I gave her my best seated bow and told the boy to study hard. She may not have understood my words, but she knew their intent and smiled.” (Ash, Teach Away Staff)• Reverse Culture Shock is shocking, to say the least. You might be surprised to feel the heartache and loneliness that might accompany the broken heart of a broken relationship. After having finally truly adjusted to your new life, you are suddenly thrust back into a lifestyle that hasn’t seemed to change much since you were an active part of it. The problem is you’ve changed a whole lot. The first few weeks of being back “home” can be more difficult than when you first left for the unknown. What was once second nature no longer comes naturally, and you may suddenl y feel like a stranger in your own country. Friends and family will be unable to share in your memories and will likely lose interest in your tales from abroad after the first long slideshow of pictures. A lack of understanding (and sometimes even interest) may lead to short-lived feelings of loneliness, isolation, and even depression. And... beware of that travel bug â€" it may now be with you for life!“Back at home, it was nice to see the faces and places I had been longing to see, but these feelings of excitement wore off quickly, and were even replaced by feelings of loneliness â€" once I realized that life had gone on without me. I quickly found myself missing the adventure and anonymity that I had experienced abroad. Giving it some time though, it didn’t take too long to get back into the routine of things and as the saying goes: There’s no place like home.” (Jessa, Teach Away Staff)“I always caught myself too late when I would graciously bow in thanks at my local su permarket or department store. For me, it took more than a few months and a lot of strange looks to shake what had been the norm for thanking people in Japan.” (Kathleen, Teach Away Staff)Test your knowledge and take the Culture Shock Quiz in the March issue of the Teach Away Telegram!Teacher Story: Talking about the Educational Reform in Abu Dhabi - By L. McCainLast year, I had the opportunity to participate in the birth of one of the greatest school reform efforts that has ever been undertaken. In 2009, Abu Dhabi schools began the implementation of a well-developed, extensive, 10-year strategic plan. As the school reform takes place, its efforts will further the educational success of the Emirate by developing skills in students that will infiltrate into the local and global workforce. During this first year, the effort has been to reform the daily curriculum by focusing on strategies to improve the English language skills of all Abu Dhabi students. When students are able to spe ak and write English well, this transfers positively into all subject areas in the curriculum.Upon my arrival as a teacher in the UAE, I was certain about one thing: Many of the challenges and successes that I had experienced as an educator in the US, with both students and their parents, were going to be similar here. I knew that how I handled the situations would make the difference between a positive and a negative experience for me and my students. I embrace this reform with the same personal philosophy I had always held towards teaching any student, a philosophy which simply says it is my job, as the teacher, to find the key to unlock the desire for education and quench the thirst for knowledge each student holds. I must seek for those keys and provide vast experiences inside the classroom each day to ensure that the right key is found for each student.I see my position as first grade teacher as being vital to each student’s future success. A strong, early childhood education is the foundation for all future learning. The activities provided must be challenging, stimulating, fun, and exciting. I have found my students to be intelligent, inquisitive, and hardworking. They strive to be attentive in their English, Math, and Science classes as they are still learning how to read and speak the language. The students are also learning how to read and write in Arabic from local teachers. My fellow teachers are professionals who welcome opportunities to dialogue and communicate about student achievement as well as how classroom instruction can promote the highest level of learning for each student.One of the major challenges I have found is not having a paraprofessional available for the first grade students, who are second-language learners, and also young and energetic. Sometimes these factors can be a speed bump in the road to academic achievement. Therefore, classroom management and routines are even more important than commonly thought.Each day, I can see the great impact that the reform is having on the schools in Abu Dhabi. The education reform in Abu Dhabi is bringing teachers and administration together to ask the hard questions about what is working and what is not working in our classrooms. I find myself researching ways to enhance each student’s academic successes and starve their failures. In my opinion, the reform is working well, and in time the returns that are being seen today will only multiply and strengthen.Another Day, Another OpportunityTeach Away is proud to announce opportunities for licensed teachers to teach in the tropical country of Brunei.Licensed Commonwealth teachers with a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience are needed to fill public school English teaching jobs in Brunei. Only teachers with long term experience and no gaps in their employment history will be considered for these positions. English teachers or teachers with TESL/TEFL certification will generally be looked upon more favourably than t eachers who have specialized in other subjects.Teaching in BruneiFor the most part, teachers at primary schools can truly immerse themselves and dive into the Brunei culture due to the fact that they will most likely be the only foreign teacher working at the school. Primary teachers in Brunei can expect a schedule of 15 contact hours per week, with an additional 6 hours of weekly attendance at after-school clubs and activities. Currently 30 primary teaching positions are available.Secondary teachers in Brunei, on the other hand, may be placed with as many as 10-11 other foreign teachers, and will have more opportunities to socialize with other ex-patriots at the work place. Typical contact hours for secondary teachers range from 12 to 16 hours a week with an additional 4.5 hours devoted to extra-curricular clubs and activities. Currently there are 20 openings for secondary school teachers.Due to a dense student population at some schools in Brunei, school days can be organized into split shifts and many teachers will find themselves teaching only in the mornings or in the afternoons. This leaves most teachers with a freer schedule than they may have enjoyed in their home countries. As Saturday is a work day in Brunei, Fridays and Sundays are a teacher’s days off. From time to time, teachers will be expected to attend special school functions such as sports days, teacher-parent interviews, or school events on a day off.Teachers’ salaries are assessed based on previous teaching experience and educational background, but even teachers who find themselves on the lower end of the pay scale can enjoy a lucrative salary and the benefits of tax free pay, a heavily subsidized spacious living space, partially subsidized medical insurance, an interest-free car loan, and a relatively low cost of living.Living in BruneiBrunei is home to hot weather, sandy beaches, and lush forests, all in a safe and wealthy environment. Located on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo, Brunei shares the island with parts of Malaysia and Indonesia. Because of its location, the population is made up of a mix of Southeast Asian ethnic groups, of which, two-thirds are Malay. Also, two-thirds of the population practice Islam, although the government is tolerant of other religions, as is evidenced by the heavy influence of Hinduism along with Islam on the country’s people.From a foreigner’s standpoint, the country is considered clean, safe, and a hub from which travel to other nearby countries is easy. Hence, it’s not rare to see foreigners from many nations living throughout the country, especially around the capital of Bandar Seri Begawan. In many cases, expatriates often find the lifestyle in Brunei to be more accommodating than what they experienced in their native country; the official language is Malay, but English is widely spoken and understood; international schools are available for expatriate children; a range of international cuisine exists; an d the cost of living is relatively low, especially considering that there is no income tax.Please click here to read more about teaching jobs in Brunei.

Teach abroad in 2018 UK and North American interview sessions happening soon! (With job postings)

Teach abroad in 2018 UK and North American interview sessions happening soon! (With job postings) The 2018 recruitment season is already in full swing and applications for upcoming vacancies are streaming into the recruitment team here at Teach Away. This means that if you happen to be a certified, experienced teacher on the hunt for your dream teaching job abroad this year, there’s no better time than right now to get your application in! Why’s that? Well, for starters, interview spots happen to be pretty limited (and are, in fact, already filling up rather quickly). Secondly, the most sought-after international schools and teach abroad programs are where competition for open vacancies tends to be toughest, meaning that if you’re thinking of waiting to apply until the spring, you’ll probably be too late to apply for these positions. Another pro tip for you: Securing your job offer earlier in the year also makes the entire visa process much simpler and far less stressful for you. That’s why, to help you take the guesswork out of which schools and programs abroad to apply for, we’ve broken out the key dates and locations into handy tables. Check these out below. These are all among the most reputable schools and programs worldwide, offering lucrative salaries, comprehensive benefits and the opportunity to expand your teaching experience, all while experiencing life and culture in a diverse, beautiful country. They’re also looking to hire a whole heap of awesome educators for a wide range of teaching jobs, across all grade levels and subject specialties, ahead of the coming 2018/19 school year. Interested? Here’s what you need to do: 1. Check out the dates and location for our upcoming interview sessions taking place in a city near you in the tables below. 2. Simply click on the links and click to apply to the school or program you’re most interested in. Easy peasy! January - March teach abroad interview sessions UK/Ireland interview sessions Interview Location Hiring School/Program Interview Dates London, UK Qatar Foundation January 22 - 23, 2018 London, UK Emirates National Schools Jan 26 - 28, 2018 London, UK UAE Government Schools January 27, 2018 Manchester, UK UAE Government Schools January 28, 2018 Dublin, Ireland UAE Government Schools February 24, 2018 Manchester, UK UAE Government Schools February 25 - 26, 2018 London, UK UAE Government Schools February 27 - 28, 2018 North American interview sessions Interview Location Hiring School/Program Interview Dates Newark, NJ Sheikh Zayed Private Academy UAE January 20 - 21, 2018 New York, NY Qatar Foundation Jan 26 - 27, 2018 Charlotte, NC Qatar Foundation Jan 28 - 29, 2018 Newark, NJ American International School Qatar February 3 - 4, 2018 Chicago American Creativity Academy Kuwait February 5, 2018 New York, NY International teacher job fair February 8 - 11, 2018 New York, NY Emirates National Schools February 8 - 11, 2018 San Francisco, CA American Creativity Academy Kuwait February 9 - 12, 2018 San Francisco, CA Qatar Foundation February 13 - 14, 2018 Atlanta, USA UAE Government Schools February 15 - 16, 2018 Houston, TX American United School Kuwait February 16 - 17, 2018 New York, USA UAE Government Schools February 17 - 18. 2018 Toronto, Canada UAE Government Schools February 19 - 20, 2018 Vancouver, Canada UAE Government Schools February 21 - 22, 2018 Toronto, Canada Emirates National Schools March 23 - 26, 2018 Australia/New Zealand interview sessions Interview Location Hiring School/Program Interview Dates New Zealand (exact location TBD) UAE Government Schools February 1 - 4, 2018 Australia (exact location TBD) UAE Government Schools February 7 - 11, 2018 Best of luck with your application and we hope to see you at the interview sessions soon!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 best educational days out

5 best educational days out As a tutor, one of the hardest things can be motivating your students and making the topics come truly alive for them. But placing study in context, or providing the opportunity to be hands-on, can be hugely beneficial to a student's retention of the topic. Here we pick the best 5 days out, not including museums, nationwide. 1. Historic Royal Palaces - Actually five attractions in one, HRP looks after the most exciting of the country's old royal homes including Hampton Court, Henry VIII's stronghold and the notorious Tower of London, complete with Beefeater tours. 2. The Eden Project - A theme-park of plants, constructed in a worked-out mine pit to showcase sustainable building methods. This park, with its bubble-like biomes explores the relationship between nature and humanity. 3. MAGNA Science Adventure Centre - Housed in an old steelworks, MAGNA lets you explore science, using the framework of the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. A fifth zone, power, completes the experience. 4. Portsmouth Historic Dockyard - Located on one of only three operating Naval bases in the UK, part of this Portsmouth site is given over to the Royal Naval Museum. It is most famous for housing the ghostly wreck of Henry VIII's warship, the Mary Rose and Nelson's impressive flagship HMS Victory. 5. Ironbridge and Blist's Hill - The first cast iron arch bridge in the world is an awe-inspiring site and a powerful icon of the Industrial Revolution, the nearby museum tells its story. Just up the road is the fantastic Blist's Hill, an open-air re-creation of a Victorian village - complete with sweetshop.

Med Signi Scoun Tutor - How To Get One?

Med Signi Scoun Tutor - How To Get One?When you have a child with special needs, you may wonder if there is a way to get a doctor to refer your child to a professional who specializes in working with children who have learning disabilities. Is there a way to get a physician to treat your child and then refer your child to a tutor who works with children with a learning disability?Under Medicare and Medicaid, both insurance programs, children do not qualify for physician's services or skilled nursing care if they are not enrolled in a physician's care program. Also, under Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA, children cannot receive any other kind of medical service unless they have enrolled in a physician's care program.With Medicare and Medicaid, the only way a family can get help paying for private medical services is to pay into a hospital, clinic, or other health care facility. When your child is hospitalized or goes into a nursing home, the payments to the facility will have to be pai d by you. Because Medicare and Medicaid do not offer the option of making payments for other services, this makes it very difficult for families to afford private health care.In order to receive the services of a doctor who is registered as a Medicare Practitioner, they must have completed some education and training and meet state standards. If your child has a learning disability and is receiving services through a VA program, the services are guaranteed under Medicaid and Medicare. The only exception to this is if your child has been hospitalized before, at which time your child can return to school for the remaining time he or she is receiving treatment through the VA.It can be very difficult for families to find a doctor who is willing to accept Medicaid and Medicare. Even though the majority of doctors who take advantage of these programs are willing to take on patients in these programs, this does not mean that the doctors themselves are willing to treat children. Doctors who take advantage of Medicare and Medicaid often have been referred to them by another doctor who found out about their willingness to take Medicaid and Medicare patients through referrals.Even though Medicare does not require a student to receive a certain number of hours of training in order to be qualified for Medicare service, you can take your child to school with a private health care plan in order to obtain the hours needed to get your child a Medicare approved tutor. Because Medicare and Medicaid do not offer the option of making payments for other services, it is very difficult for families to afford private health care. A trained nurse can provide your child with the medical attention that he or she needs.Using Medicare to pay for private medical services is important for many reasons. For those who are unable to pay for regular health care, Medicare is a convenient alternative to private health care plans. For parents who are not able to provide money for the cost of privat e health care, Medicare can provide them with medical care through a licensed medical professional who will treat your child in a specialty and specialized manner, while caring for your child.

How to Find Percent Yield Chemistry

How to Find Percent Yield ChemistryHow to find percent yield chemistry can be done by having the right knowledge of the formula. This can be accomplished by learning how to read, know what to look for and then find out whether the formula is effective for you or not. Many formulas will have a guide on their website, however, this is generally a tool which can be used to find out the formula.In the process of taking a course on organic chemistry, it is vital that one fully understand the process and processes involved in the process. There are different types of process and processes which would be useful when trying to find out how to find percent yield chemistry. An example of this would be determining the amount of products that have to be formed.Depending on the procedures and processes that are involved, the final product will vary greatly and in some cases, it may be considerably different from the original product. This can be important as well, as it is necessary to use the pr oper procedures in order to find out how to find percent yield chemistry. Since this involves the creation of various products, it is beneficial to use a process which uses all natural products.There are many different products which have been produced using the various methods which will produce a successful end product. When taking a course in organic chemistry, it is vital that one reads and understands the materials and ingredients involved in this process and then see what can be achieved using the process. One may find that they have a certain product that is what they need.Finding out how to find percent yield chemistry is basically about making these different products. A course in organic chemistry would help one determine what type of products would be beneficial and what are the materials needed to be used. It is also essential to create the various processes that will be required in order to make these products.Finding out how to find percent yield chemistry can involve more than just the chemistry aspects. There is an understanding of how to use the chemical as well, so it is essential to be familiar with what the product is and how to prepare it.Finding out how to find percent yield chemistry can be done in various ways. It is imperative that one first takes a course on organic chemistry in order to learn the various processes involved in the process and then one will be able to do this effectively.

Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions

Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions Fraction are very commonly used and very important form of representation of numbers. Fraction is usually written in the p/q form. Here p is the numerator and q is the denominator. The denominator of a fraction cannot be equal to zero i.e. q not equal to zero. Fraction where the numerator is lesser than the denominator p q is called as a proper fraction. A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator is called as improper fraction p q. An improper fraction can be converted to a mixed fraction. A mixed fraction is the combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. Example 1: Convert the mixed number 1 to improper fraction? Solution: The number is a mixed number 1 where 1 is the whole number part and is the proper fraction as the numerator is lesser than the denominator i.e. 3 4. The mixed number can be now converted to improper fraction. Therefore, 1 = (4*1 + 3)/ 4 = (4 + 3)/4 = 7/4 This gives 7/4 which is an improper fraction as 7 4. Hence, the mixed fraction gives 1 can be expressed as 7/4. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) Convert the mixed number 6 into improper fraction? a) 13/2 b) 7/2 c) 11/2 d) None of these. Correct answer: option a. The mixed number 6 can be now converted to improper fraction. Therefore, 6 = (6*2 + 1)/2 = (12 + 1)/2 = 13/2. This gives 13/2 which is an improper fraction.